I got fully Delivered here, and I have stayed delivered for over 16 years now! My experience here has truly changed my life! I know Christ for myself, and most of all HE knows me! I'm full of the Holy Ghost and live for him, and obey Him without reservation! I truly have expectations in seeing my master face to face in peace! I'm excited about the journey and the destiny He's leading our Pastor Marlon Lock into, as well as myself. We worship Him in Spirit, sincerity and truth because Christ has chosen us at Unity Gospel House of Prayer and to place His Spirit and the name of His GOD, and our GOD in our hearts!
I got fully Delivered here, and I have stayed delivered for over 16 years now! My experience here has truly changed my life! I know Christ for myself, and most of all HE knows me! I'm full of the Holy Ghost and live for him, and obey Him without reservation! I truly have expectations in seeing my master face to face in peace! I'm excited about the journey and the destiny He's leading our Pastor Marlon Lock into, as well as myself. We worship Him in Spirit, sincerity and truth because Christ has chosen us at Unity Gospel House of Prayer and to place His Spirit and the name of His GOD, and our GOD in our hearts!