What a great purchasing experience! It could not have been easier! Nate is an honest salesman (not an oxymoron in this case!!) and very pleasurable to deal with. I normally hate the car buying experience because many salespeople can have that icky-pushy factor - not Nate! He is straightforward and knowledgeable, and truly seems to care about his customers. Highly recommend this dealership if you're in the market for a vehicle!
What a great purchasing experience! It could not have been easier! Nate is an honest salesman (not an oxymoron in this case!!) and very pleasurable to deal with. I normally hate the car buying experience because many salespeople can have that icky-pushy factor - not Nate! He is straightforward and knowledgeable, and truly seems to care about his customers. Highly recommend this dealership if you're in the market for a vehicle!