As long as you pay your rent on time, and don't have to deal with any personnel from Lexington, things will be ok. If you need anything from Lexington, good luck. The most recent example of their incompetence was to send a memo out on a Friday saying the whole parking lot was to be fixed up the following Tuesday. All 140+ cars were to be parked on the road from Tuesday to Friday and cars in the garage were not able to get out until Friday. We could not walk over the parking lot from 7am - 8pm that day, essentially locking us in or out of our homes on a weekday. The memo had a contact number for any questions, but when I called it, I was told they were short staffed and had nobody to address my questions. I was told to call back Monday - the day before the work was to be done. I got nowhere when reaching out and it was a mess. This is just one example of many we have experienced where Lexington fails to communicate and does not consider its tenants.
As long as you pay your rent on time, and don't have to deal with any personnel from Lexington, things will be ok. If you need anything from Lexington, good luck. The most recent example of their incompetence was to send a memo out on a Friday saying the whole parking lot was to be fixed up the following Tuesday. All 140+ cars were to be parked on the road from Tuesday to Friday and cars in the garage were not able to get out until Friday. We could not walk over the parking lot from 7am - 8pm that day, essentially locking us in or out of our homes on a weekday. The memo had a contact number for any questions, but when I called it, I was told they were short staffed and had nobody to address my questions. I was told to call back Monday - the day before the work was to be done. I got nowhere when reaching out and it was a mess. This is just one example of many we have experienced where Lexington fails to communicate and does not consider its tenants.