I was kicked out of this 28 day rehab facility because they found one pill of Aleve when my roommate moved out. They didn't give me any chance to explain. The lady who checked my bags didn't check every pocket in my bag, which they have to. That one pocket had gum, a deck of cards and that Aleve, which are all contraband. For someone who is looking to get better, and admitted it was an honest mistake, they still discharged me. I would suggest looking elsewhere. They clearly do no care about the client's recovery. We are only human.
I was kicked out of this 28 day rehab facility because they found one pill of Aleve when my roommate moved out. They didn't give me any chance to explain. The lady who checked my bags didn't check every pocket in my bag, which they have to. That one pocket had gum, a deck of cards and that Aleve, which are all contraband. For someone who is looking to get better, and admitted it was an honest mistake, they still discharged me. I would suggest looking elsewhere. They clearly do no care about the client's recovery. We are only human.