This might possibly be one of the worst run daycares I've ever seen. The ownership literally does not care about anything but money. They won't even fix a broken water fountain for the children to use. This center has a worse staff turnover than a Mcdonalds and that's saying something. They have an assistant director with a substance abuse problem if you care about the care your children are getting I would suggest keeping them as far away from LMLC as you can that's also including the Onalaska location where the dress code isn't even enforced.
This might possibly be one of the worst run daycares I've ever seen. The ownership literally does not care about anything but money. They won't even fix a broken water fountain for the children to use. This center has a worse staff turnover than a Mcdonalds and that's saying something. They have an assistant director with a substance abuse problem if you care about the care your children are getting I would suggest keeping them as far away from LMLC as you can that's also including the Onalaska location where the dress code isn't even enforced.