I went to a course here, I took a vow of silence and meditated for ten days free of charge, was fed and sheltered here free of charge, and I acquired more inner peace and control over my mind then ever before because of this meditation center. My life improved in countless ways because of this experience and the meditation they teach. It is a pearl.
My gratitude and a heartfelt farewell to Vijaya Nagesh Nidamaluri, a wonderful teacher to myself and many others. Vijaya passed on earlier this year and I want to express how appreciative I am for her impact on my life. I'm saddened to know that she will no longer be there to help guide other anxious-minded meditators such as she did for me. But I am comforted by memories of her presence, which was so clearly full of warmth, wisdom, and compassion. May we remember her and may we also honor her memory and the memory of Goenkaji by sharing the kindness and compassion that they have shown us, with others. Thank you Vijaya