Recently, my 14 year old grandson broke his foot and was told " no showers or swimming for four weeks" . He is leaving for a weeklong scout camp in Northern Wisconsin tomorrow and my daughter began looking online for a waterproof cast cover. But shipping would take too long. I suggested Fitzgeralds, as I grew up on the North Shore, knew of their long history of providing home medical devices and have always been pleased with their products and service. As I expected, Fitzgeralds came through again. Quality merchandise and great service. You have made one scout very happy and changed his camping experience from sitting on the sidelines to "yeah, I can do,this"! Thanks Fitzgerald's.
Recently, my 14 year old grandson broke his foot and was told " no showers or swimming for four weeks" . He is leaving for a weeklong scout camp in Northern Wisconsin tomorrow and my daughter began looking online for a waterproof cast cover. But shipping would take too long. I suggested Fitzgeralds, as I grew up on the North Shore, knew of their long history of providing home medical devices and have always been pleased with their products and service. As I expected, Fitzgeralds came through again. Quality merchandise and great service. You have made one scout very happy and changed his camping experience from sitting on the sidelines to "yeah, I can do,this"! Thanks Fitzgerald's.